At Mactech AUstralia we have handpicked the best of the best, when it comes to our range of purpose-built, task-dedicated powered implements.
Each of the brands listed below provides the best in quality and value for money.
Tech Group, Inc. is composed of two operating companies, Stresstech which was founded in 1974 to produce, provide and distribute portable stress relieving solutions to process industries. In 1985 Mactech was founded to fill the void of portable machine tools and on site services.
Lamina manufactures a durable, high-power Portable Hydraulic Drill. Bу combining power аnd portability іn a single drill, thіѕ hydraulic drilling equipment effectively functions іn a broad spectrum оf applications. Thе hydraulic drill delivers remarkable power іn openings аѕ narrow аѕ 9¼ inches.

For more than 45 years Ventil Test Equipment is dedicated to the design and manufacturing of high quality valve test units for pressure and leakage testing.

V-Tec offers a wide variety of valve grinding and lapping machines, covering the range of virtually every valve type DN 10 mm-1000 mm (¼”-40″) in diameter.

Manufacturers of the most advanced tube pulling equipment for high speed / high force pulling guns and tube spinners.
The Titan Tube Pullers have a capacity to extract up to 76mm (3”) of tube using a 45 tonne pulling force.

The TECO tube expanders company provides tooling for the Heat Transfer Industry, manufacturing the TECO® brand of Expanders, Cleaners and Accessories for the manufacture of boilers, condensers and heat exchangers.